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Why Octomat? #
Subscribe to content that matters to you #
Follow your favorite blogs, news sites, and media channels such as YouTube, Reddit, Substack, and Spotify. The only content you get from Octomat is the content you subscribed to. There are no recommendations, no ranking algorithms, no inserted ads.
Get notified about new posts #
Octomat checks for updates in your subscribed resources regularly and notifies you about new posts, vidoes and other content you subscribed to. It sends you links to the content directly with convenient previews, so that you decide what to open and when. The links open in the original source, so that you can see it the way the creator intended.
The batteries are already included in your messenger #
There is no need to install yet another app. Just use your favorite messenger and organize the update messages in a way that works for you. Currently Octomat supports Telegram. There are plans to support WhatsApp and other applications in the future.