Octomat is free for its users by default. No payment or registration needed. However, it is not free for us to develop and keep Octomat running. That’s why there are several limitations for all Octomat accounts. We plan offering a paid Pro plan in the future, that will have higher limits and WhatsApp support.
Here are the types of plans that you can subscribe to as an Octomat user:
Feature | Free | Pro |
Messengers | Telegram | Telegram, WhatsApp** |
Max. subscriptions | 100 | 1000 |
Post per feed update | 5* | TBD |
Feed updates per day | 4* | n/a |
Price | Free | TBD |
- *: preliminary value, may change over time. Let us know what would be ideal for you.
- **: WhatsApp support is not yet available. We plan to add it in the future. Unfortunately it won’t be available for free, because WhatsApp charges us for every conversation.